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Infants 6 weeks to 1-year Program
Our infant to one-year old program shall allow your child to discover things using all five senses. They will learn to imitate simple actions, learn new toys, explore colors, sounds and many words while playing with other children. We shall focus on five developmental skills such as Language Development, Functioning, Social & Emotional Development, Physical & Cognitive Development.
Language Development
make early attempts at speaking
learn to understand a variety of words by listening, observing, and engaging
use sounds and gestures to express needs, wants, and interests
listening to read aloud
Social & Emotional Development
recognizing self in a mirror
bonding with adults
express feelings through emotions
interaction skills with other children
Cognitive Development
using the five senses to explore, observe and imitate
present certain actions for a response
think about items that are familiar
reading books and audio
Functioning Development
memory skills
sounds and pointing
work on attention span for a short period of time
using body parts to move
Physical Development
coordination with movement, crawling, turning over and standing
trying new foods that are healthy
washing hands and following simple instructions
taking first steps and using the push toys
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